Want to know the Video Content Marketing trends in 2020? Read this..

We are into 2020 and video is good for business and will only continue to grow with AR and VR technology. As the new decade begins your brand has the opportunity to connect to your customers in ways that you had never been able to do before using content marketing. So get ready, it's time to brush up on your video content marketing skills and familiarise yourself with the trends that will continue into 2020 and beyond.

What is Video Content Marketing?

One of the main views is a corporate video is a promotional video for business; no it’s so much more than an advertisement for your product or service. Content marketing videos provide informative, engaging videos that give viewers value and a narrative that actually leads to more interest in who you are as a company and in turn more sales. From behind the scenes videos, to storytelling videos, companies all over the world are using the potential of video as it offers new ways to connect to customers and tell stories around your brand.

Video engages audiences in ways an image cannot, and text could never dream of. It’s so effective today that 72% of people now state that they would rather learn about a new company, service, or product through a video than they would in a press release or article.

In 53% of cases, viewers will go on to see the brand’s profile or website after seeing a video about them. That is power, especially if you collaborate with different brands or become featured on a popular video channel.

People are watching more videos and engaging more with brands that feature and create videos. In 2019, the average internet user spends 84 minutes watching online videos every day. The 2021 prediction is 100 minutes

What are the Trends of 2020?

These top trends will help you create videos that resonate with your community and demographics, but remember it’s about consistency and a longer-term strategy.

1. Videos are getting personal

People don’t want to waste time with things that don’t appeal to them or solve their problems so now they will turn away if they don’t connect with the content. Personalising the experience connects them directly to your brand and goal.

That’s why it’s no wonder that 72% of polled consumers claim they won’t engage with a marketing message unless it is personalised to them. It cuts down on time and helps them build a real relationship with your brand. You are, after all, offering them a highly-targeted solution.

People want their videos to be personalised, to showcase content they are interested in, and even for these videos to be interactive so try categorising your content so people can get to it faster on your website.

2. Long, In-Depth Videos

In my opinion,  one of the biggest misconceptions when it comes to video marketing is that videos need to be short. I’ve heard it all from  “people have short attention spans” “ videos should be 30 secs to the shorter, the better, right?” Wrong, here is the thing, the average viewing times on online videos is  2 min 30secs. So unless you are a big brand like Google who is putting out an advert then you can release longer videos. Shorter videos do tend to get the largest bulk of views, but they represent the smallest percentage of engagement. I.e people watch them, do nothing and move one

By investing in longer, more in-depth videos, you will enjoy up to 50% audience engagement rates. Considering that an average of only 3% of companies are creating these long, in-depth videos, this trend could be your key to standing out and really connecting with your customers.

3. 360 Degree Videos

Virtual reality is more common. Gaming platforms, in particular, are to thank for the rise in sales of VR headsets, though they can and are used for many programs to date, including art.

The point is, many people have VR headsets, and even if they don’t, people delight in moving their phone around to see the full 360 picture. 360 video, then, is a great way to tell a unique story and to boost sales.

4. The rise of vlogs on Social Media

So as part of your content marketing strategy, a vlog or blog should be considered and traditionally hosted on YouTube. 2020 however will see a rise of content creation hosted on other sites especially LinkedIn to take advantage of the sites and their organic reach to more people and business without having to pay for it. The opportunities are huge right now and it’s available to everyone especially if you’re in B2B.

A word of warning though don’t just do a video selling your product or service, that won’t work as you need to bring value to your audience. Think about what you watch online, chances are it’s either entertaining you or you learn something so that is what you need to provide. Now is the time so start creating content and watch your following and leads grow.

So What Channels Do You Need to Focus On?

Focus on what you can manage. Social media is going to be where your videos are consumed on so you need to be consistent.  Remember to create unique video campaigns and analyze your results for any of the following:

●      Instagram

●      Facebook

●      YouTube

●      Twitter

●      LinkedIn

●      TikTok

Customers respond well to video content, and even better if those videos offer something unique. Whether it is the short, bite-sized news updates that news channels have adopted on social media or the longer narrative-driven advertisements that brands have found success with, video takes people on a journey and that is why it works so well.

Video is a critical digital marketing tool. It was in 2019. It will be in 2020 and it will continue to grow. So get your pen, laptop and notebook out and start to devise and perfect your video content plan today and see genuine growth in your organic engagement.

Thanks for reading! Get in touch if you want to chat more about your video strategy. Remi@red-cactusmedia.com